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Level 1


Are you ready to embark on an advernture of a lifetime? Welcome to Sevilla, España. Your goal is to travel through Sevilla and complete each task and successfully complete the mission. Start with part one. You need to get the password from Mrs. Nadir in order to move to the next level. Click the picture next to part 1 to begin.


If you get a 90% or higher-Click the badge and travel to Spain.


If you get an 89%-79% follow steps a-c.


If you get 78%-60%- follow steps a-d.


If you get below a 59%- follow steps a-f.


After you complete the steps, take the Part One assessment again.

Part ONE

Click the picture below to be linked to the challenge, unless it is a textbook activity or working with Mrs. Nadir. 

Challenge A:

Watch the Video


Challenge B: Go to Quizlet and complete scatter & spacerace for 10 minutes

Challenge C: Work with Mrs. Nadir

Challenge D: Complete textbook/workbook practice

Congrats on earning the next badge! Click the badge below to move to the next level AFTER you have earned a 90% or higher.

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